Phases of Training

During a dog’s time here at Kingdom Elite K9, they will encounter three phases of training, teaching, correction, and proofing. All three of these play a vital role in your dog’s road to obedience. 


Teaching phase: During this phase of the dogs training, we will use a lot of treats to help lure or guide your dog into different positions. Then, we will begin to associate a word command with the position or action.


Correction phase: As your dog has a better understanding of the command, the expectations will increase. We will gradually space out treating so that they begin to understand that they do not get a treat every time; but still must follow the command. 


Proofing phase: Reliability is key. During this phase, we will start adding distractions and build up to the expectation that your dog must remain obedient when things are going on around them. 


Sounds like fun, right? Well, I didn’t mention the last phase of training, maintenance. The maintenance phase of training is fully your responsibility as an owner. Look at this like a muscle. If I do not continue to work out a muscle, you will lose all of the gains you have made. This does not always have to be a specific training session.

We encourage owners to have fun maintaining their dog’s obedience training. Yes, training sessions are good and necessary. We do suggest 10-15 minutes a day; or at least a few times a week. Think outside the box! Incorporate training throughout all your interactions with your dog.

  • When feeding, use some kibble while running through a few commands. Have them sit or down and stay until you release them to eat. This is teaching them boundaries as well as staying current on their obedience training.

  • Add in commands to your play time! Making them work for their reward of a toy is fun for them, while continuing to teach them boundaries and staying current on their obedience training!

  • Run through your commands while walking your dog. This helps maintain that proofing phase! 


Here at Kingdom Elite K9 we enjoy every phase of training and love when we see owners take responsibility during the maintenance phase! This helps build a beautiful bond with your dog! 


Obedience training is fun, motivating, and rewarding! When choosing Kingdom Elite K9, rest assured in knowing that you are making the right choice! 


We also encourage all owners to reach out and ask questions when needed! Don’t forget our lifetime tune ups! If you feel that your dog is lacking in his obedience, we encourage you to come back and let us help get him back to where he needs to be, at no cost! 



Why You Want to Choose Kingdom Elite K9